
Date: 14th Apr 2023 @ 5:28pm

I hope you have had a lovely Easter break.

Welcome to our new website!

Under the class introduction you will find 4 main tabs, which are updated termly. They include a termly newsletter, curriculum overview, spellings and homework ideas for the term. There is also a gallery section where I will regulary post pictures of the children's learning and this section, the weekly blog.

This term is of course a busy term for those in year 6 who will be busy preparing for their Sats, which take place in week 4 after the Kings Coronation. They then will be looking forward to their well earned residential in the last week of term. During this last week the year 5's will take part in a science week learning all about  Earth and Space. It is also during this last week that the children's art work,will be on display at The Museum in the Park.

 From democracy, theatre, myths and ledgends, Gods and demi- Gods to philosphers and mathematicians the children will identify and explore how the Ancient Greeks made such an influence on the Western World. For more information about the curriculum take a look under the curriculum overview tab.



We will making crowns out of recycled materials,ready for the King's coronation celebration in school.I f you have saved the shiny easter wrappings, have any bits of old jewellery or anything suitable for this project please bring them into class as soon as possible.


Mrs Butter