Our plant experiment

Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 9:41am

This term’s Science topic is all about Plants. We talked about what we already know and what we think a plant needs to survive and agreed we think they need water, light and heat. Today we set up an experiment where we took 4 identical plants and put them in 4 different conditions so that we can monitor what happens over the next few weeks. The test needs to be “fair” – so we use identical plants.

  1. The control plant will be in the classroom with water, light and heat
  2. Another plant will be in the fridge (no heat) and we will still give it water
  3. Another plant will be in a warm dark cupboard (the Science cupboard) and we will give it water.
  4. The 4th plant will have no water, but light and heat     Next we wrote our hypothesis (prediction) of what would happen to each plant and we will check for any changes regularly. Finally we got busy planting 2 nasturtium seeds in individual pots with compost and we will water them and put in a warm, sunny place to help the seeds germinate.