News Flash

Date: 17th Sep 2023 @ 7:26pm

Don't forget on Tuesday we have our weekly spelling and 99 Club testing. It was lovely to see that so many of the children had enjoyed using their new booklets to help them with their spelling practice.

Well done to all those avid readers who are reading daily. I am delighted to have so many children in Aventurine who love reading.

I have already had some fabulous homework based on our topic of Crime and Punishment and lots of the children have been excited to tell me about homeworks they are working on. The children are absolutely loving this topic.



Last week I sent home Doodle Maths logins and NEW passwords for all the children - please note the children have a new password. I am looking forward to seeing the children practice their maths skills using the app. Any problems with this please just let me know.

Mrs Butter