Lots to Celebrate

Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 1:06pm

It was lovely to see the children back refreshed and hear all their stories after their experience at Hooke Court. 

On Monday, visiting the prison in Gloucester was an experience that I am sure the children will never forget!! A big thanks goes to Steve the ex- goverenor of the Prison who guided us around. Take a look at the photographs on our gallery page.

In other news, we have been continuing our journey through time in history and we now exploring 'Crime and Punishment'  in mediaeval times. We are just begining to plan a stop motion video, which we will create using clay figures that depict the important features of the story of Robin Hood. 

In geography, we are coming to the end of our work on North America. We will be creating a diorama of a physical or human feature from North America.

We have finally finished our poetry based on the work of Joseph Coelho, where the children have showcased their creativity and poetic language ability. We can't wait to meet the author in person next term at Stroud Book Festival.

A big well done to Rosie and Jaime who suceeded in moving up in their 99 Club!


Mrs Butter