Hello from Charles and Louie

Date: 1st May 2023 @ 5:42pm

This is what Aventurine have been doing this week:

Greek Democracy ( Strength to the people!)

We have been learning about Greek democracy and how Athens was the founder of democracy, compared to how we know it today.  There are quite a few differences. The ancient greeks system was called 'Direct  Democracy',  where every citizen assembles to pass laws. In England today the system is called 'Representative Democracy' where representatives are elected by the people in the form of a vote. We acted out a little scene to see how laws were passed and another how the court system worked. We learnt a lot and had fun too.

Art - Crowns

For the Kings Coronation we have started to create our own crown out of recycled materials. We still have to decorate our crowns, which we are going to to using  gems and a short of wool around the base. 


In maths the year 6's have been recapping certain areas of maths in prepartion for Sats. The year 5's have started to learn about fractions as they have finished the topic of shape.


In english we have continued our learning based on the book called The Promise by Nicol Davis. We have discussed how people can change, even when they have been through the darkest of times, with just a little hope.


With Vinney we have been learning about Cricket and with Mrs Butter we have been doing some Greek dancing. Our dance is also about the Olympic competitors  and all the sports that were played.