Hello from Bella and Georgie

Date: 16th May 2023 @ 2:42pm


Last week the year 6's finally finished their SATS's, which was amazing because we all got our leavers hoodies. We all went up to Daisy Bank to play and a celebration. Mrs Butter and Mrs Nichols-Grey brought us sweets and crisps. The year 6's also found out which production they will be preforming next term(TOP SECRET). But fun will never end because we are going on residential next week!!!




In maths the year 5's have been converting decimals to fractions, they even did some alegebra fraction challenges. In english we have just finished our setting description of the Promise and we have started a piece of artwook based on the book. In geography we have been learning about non- renewable and renewable energy sources and we wrote a letter to our local MPs advising them what action we feel that the Government should take over the next ten years.


Hope that you are having a fabulous week,


Bella and Georgie :)